Our mission is to refresh the world with pure, revitalizing sparkling water, produced in compliance with the highest quality and sustainability standards. Our goal is to inspire a healthier lifestyle through our range of functional waters and to highlight our ecological profile by using responsible resources and eco-friendly packagings.


We envisage a world where every sip is a celebration of wellbeing and vitality. Through innovation and dedication, we aspire to be the leading supplier of sparkling water, recognized for our excellence, care for the environment and enhancement of everyday moments with the fizz of the finest natural bubbles.


Нашата мисија е да го освежиме светот со чиста, освежителна газирана вода, направена со највисоки стандарди за квалитет и одржливост. Наша цел е да инспирираме поздрав начин на живот преку обезбедување на прекрасна алтернатива на функционални води, а истовремено да го потенцираме нашиот еколошки профил преку одговорни извори и еколошко пакување.


Замислуваме свет во кој секоја голтка е прослава на благосостојбата и виталноста. Преку иновации и посветеност, ние се стремиме да бидеме водечки снабдувач на газирана вода, признати за нашата посветеност на извонредност, грижа за животната средина и подобрување на секојдневните моменти со шумот на најдобрите природни меурчиња.


Nature has blessed the village Vak’v, in the Kratovo region, with a pristine spring of mineral water, which has an exceptionally high quality according to all international standards. It is believed that the inhabitants of the village enjoyed the benefits of the spring for centuries.

Natural, pure and refreshing, Dobra Voda mineral water is sourced directly from the spring, entirely untouched by man, making it the best choice for you, anywhere and anytime.

The Topolovič spring is located in an unspoiled environment, on the slopes of the Osogovo mountain, and is part of the geothermal system Zdravevci, Kratovsko – one of the greatest geothermal systems in North Macedonia.

Dobra Voda mineral water is bottled directly from a 503-meter-deep spring emerging at the surface with a temperature of 52°C. Despite the impeccably clean surroundings, all necessary measures are being taken to prevent pollution and degradation of the water quality.

The first stage of the mechanical filtration is done at the spring using highly sophisticated automatic mechanical filters. The water passes directly, from the spring to the bottle, through a closed system, protected from all external influences.

The transportation of the water, from the spring to the factory in the village Vak’v, takes place through an underground and protected polyethylene pipeline.


The second stage of the mechanical filtration is carried out at the bottling factory, entirely modernized and automatized in 2009.

The empty PET packaging is produced in an automatized bottle blowing machine according to the international standards for PET packaging production.

The procedure of bottling Dobra Voda in a PET packaging as well as in non-returnable glass bottles takes place in optimal hygienic conditions in compliance with the requirements for good manufacturing practices, on a production line with a capacity of 12000 L/h.

Before each bottling, the line is washed and disinfected with a multi-stage sanitation using a closed automatic washing system.
Since one of our principal aims is caring for the environment, we make sure to implement the principles and regulations of the ISO 22000:2018 Quality management system.

The packaged water is distributed to retail and hospitality establishments using our own fleet vehicles. The highly controlled transportation conditions represent yet another crucial segment of our commitment to bring Dobra Voda to our customers in its purest state – as it is at the spring itself.


Another proof of the remarkable quality of Dobra Voda are the awards received in the category Packaged Sparkling Water at the world’s largest competitive water tasting event in Birkley Springs, West Wirginia, USA, competing against globally renowned water brands.

According to the assessment of an international expert jury composed of specialist water-tasters, following guidelines similar to those for wine tasting, Dobra Voda won a silver medal in 2006 and a gold medal in 2010.

Dobra Voda received the brand award trademark StuBrand 2015, StuBrand 2016, Premium StuBrand 2017, Premium StuBrand 2018, and Premium StuBrand 2019 for the most positive image among students in North Macedonia in the category Sparkling Water, awarded by the International Agency for Marketing Research and Certification – StuBrand.